Trending Teacher Categories in India

Education Jobs

The responsibility of a Trainer or Educator or Teacher is to create, prepare, and present lesson ideas and teaching resources that encourage active learning. They create lesson plans, test questions, and work schemes in conformity with accepted practices. They teach and supervise students as they use the tools and materials for learning. Their communication skills should only be surpassed by their understanding of the subject or their field.

Soft Skills Required In Education/Training
  • Communication
  • Patience
  • Leadership
  • Creativity
  • Time management
  • Organizational skills
  • Conflict resolution
  • Teamwork
  • Empathy
  • Critical thinking
  • Attention to detail
  • Enthusiasm
Technical Skills Required in Education/Training
  • Certificate or degree in a related field
  • Learning skills
  • Teaching skills
  • Computer literacy
  • Research
  • Adaptability
  • Experience in relative field

If you want to Hire Counselor, Hire Fitness Coach, Hire Librarian or if you want to any Education/Training Professionals who fit the various job roles, then the Hirect App will help you find qualified candidates easily.